2017-02-21 - Deepin, Pamac, Haskell, Python (Testing Update)


<t>Hattet ihr Probleme mit dem Update?</t>

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Themen Author
Beiträge: 2350
Registriert: Donnerstag 19. Mai 2016, 15:49
CPU: AMD Quad Core A8 3,6GHz
GPU: AMD/ATI Radeon R7
Kernel: 6.1
Desktop-Variante: XFCE und KDE Stable, Testing, Unstable
GPU Treiber: Free
Hat sich bedankt: 28 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 153 Mal

2017-02-21 - Deepin, Pamac, Haskell, Python (Testing Update)


Beitrag von Blueriver »

Hi community,

additionally to our current update I decided to push some more packages to this branch.

Code: Alles auswählen

(==) Parse error on line 5 of section OutputClass in file 
/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/fglrx-outputclass.conf"ModulePath" is not a 
valid keyword in this section.Fatal server error:(EE) no screens 
We are still struggle a little with the new Xorg-Server adoptions. At least for the Catalyst drivers. The package Catalyst-Server got update, however some feedback is still missing. Please try again and report back if glxgears doesn't work for you.

With this we have further Deepin updates, a newer linux firmware and latest python and haskell packages. It would be great to further test the new version of Pamac v4.2.9 with natural AUR support. A package conflict is now fixed.

Please test and give us feedback as usual

Current supported Kernels

linux310 3.10.105
linux312 3.12.70
linux316 3.16.39
linux318 3.18.48 [EOL]
linux41 4.1.38
linux44 4.4.50
linux48 4.8.17 [EOL]
linux49 4.9.11
linux410 4.10.0
linux-RT-LTS 4.4.47_rt59
linux-RT 4.9.9_rt9

Package Updates (Tue Feb 21 19:27:32 CET 2017)

testing community i686: 55 new and 57 removed package(s)
testing community x86_64: 54 new and 56 removed package(s)
testing core i686: 7 new and 8 removed package(s)
testing core x86_64: 7 new and 8 removed package(s)
testing extra i686: 9 new and 10 removed package(s)
testing extra x86_64: 9 new and 10 removed package(s)
testing multilib x86_64: 1 new and 1 removed package(s)

Manjaro LXQT und XFCE Stable, Testing, Unstable
CPU: AMD Quad Core A8 3,6GHz
Graka: AMD/ATI Radeon R7
Treiber: Free
Kernel: 4.20

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