Manjaro-Cinnamon 17.0.2

Die grandiose Manjaro Cinnamon Edition ist hier die Diskussionsplattform

Themen Author
Beiträge: 2350
Registriert: Donnerstag 19. Mai 2016, 15:49
CPU: AMD Quad Core A8 3,6GHz
GPU: AMD/ATI Radeon R7
Kernel: 6.1
Desktop-Variante: XFCE und KDE Stable, Testing, Unstable
GPU Treiber: Free
Hat sich bedankt: 28 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 153 Mal

Manjaro-Cinnamon 17.0.2


Beitrag von Blueriver »

Manjaro Cinnamon 17.0.2 is now online.

[ NOTE: For a few hours last night a first version of Cinnamon ISOs was online that included a bug with greeter-configuration. I have now (Tue 27 Jun 08:08:26 UTC) fixed and replaced the files.
sha1sums of the good ones are:
32bit: a92e927b81989088cbfb2caab8397a7efba10792
64bit: 7f2c5c42ab61d244a3d1bed1036d28da084da510 ]

[img width=600 height=375][/img]

[img width=600 height=375][/img]


Cinnamon 3.4.2
Complete X-apps stack (pix, xed, xplayer, xreader, xviewer)
new lightdm-slick-greeter
additional beautiful wallpapers contributed by @muser and @ant
Calamares 3.1.1

Now also included is our TUI-alround-netinstaller Manjaro-architect 0.8.13 a utility not specific to the cinnamon edition, but to install any Manjaro system you like.


Manjaro LXQT und XFCE Stable, Testing, Unstable
CPU: AMD Quad Core A8 3,6GHz
Graka: AMD/ATI Radeon R7
Treiber: Free
Kernel: 4.20

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