Manjaro Bspwm edition 17.1.4


Themen Author
Beiträge: 2348
Registriert: Donnerstag 19. Mai 2016, 15:49
CPU: AMD Quad Core A8 3,6GHz
GPU: AMD/ATI Radeon R7
Kernel: 6.1
Desktop-Variante: XFCE und KDE Stable, Testing, Unstable
GPU Treiber: Free
Hat sich bedankt: 28 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 152 Mal

Manjaro Bspwm edition 17.1.4


Beitrag von Blueriver »

Manjaro community is proud to present the newest release of bspwm edition. Bspwm edition is our lightest offering (~120Mb ram) and is designed to make using the command line easy. It features manjaro-architect as the only available installer, and is eminently suitable for system rescue disk.


New in this release:

Multipurpose Rofi launcher, combining window switcher, applications launcher, run dialog and web search into one
Breath gtk3 theme
proper chromium theming (manjaro-browser-settings-native)
included (but disabled) lxpolkit
disabled compositing
window handling for libreoffice and plank
awesome new wallpapers by @muser
icons and image previews in ranger (@oberon hint hint)
mate-notification-daemon for clickable update-notifications
Improved Grub theme (also on installed system)


Rofi. Just press super and start typing:


New ranger settings (tip: If you like typeahead, press f and start typing):


You can also just use the old iso, because it also has self updating manjaro-architect installer. But this one is prettier.
Download Manjaro Bspwm

Manjaro LXQT und XFCE Stable, Testing, Unstable
CPU: AMD Quad Core A8 3,6GHz
Graka: AMD/ATI Radeon R7
Treiber: Free
Kernel: 4.20

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