Manjaro Net/LXQt 17.0.5


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Registriert: Donnerstag 19. Mai 2016, 15:49
CPU: AMD Quad Core A8 3,6GHz
GPU: AMD/ATI Radeon R7
Kernel: 6.1
Desktop-Variante: XFCE und KDE Stable, Testing, Unstable
GPU Treiber: Free
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Manjaro Net/LXQt 17.0.5


Beitrag von Blueriver »

i am proud to announce the immediate availability of manjaro net/lxqt 17.0.5.

[img width=600 height=344][/img]

the new manjaro net/lxqt is completely different from previous ISO images:
  • previous manjaro ISOs worked like this: you boot a livecd and manjaro lxqt appeared on your screen. you could play around with it and install it to your hard drive (using the calamares installer). calamares installed (almost) all packages from the livecd to your hard drive. you probably had to update some packages to the latest version after booting into your installed system for the first time, because the packages on the livecd are already outdated.
  • the manjaro net/lxqt ISO works in a similar way: you boot a livecd and manjaro lxqt appeares on your screen. you can play around with it and start calamares. calamares offers you a choice of packages you can install. all packages you select get downloaded from the manjaro mirror servers (with their latest version - please wait until that is done!) and installed to your hard drive.
  • by default, only a minimal set of packages is selected within calamares. after installation, this system will boot to TTY and has a basic internet connection (because only “base” package group, kernel, boot loader, networkmanager, and 8 essential manjaro packages are installed). such a bare minimum install is much more basic than my previously released manjaro net-minimal edition. If you know what you are doing, you can deselect packages in calamares and end up with an even lighter system.
    WARNING: if no network is found on your system after installation from the manjaro net/lxqt ISO, please select (needed) “network-extra” packages.
  • if you select all packages within calamares (which can be done with 3 clicks), a fully functioning, manjaro-themed lxqt system with even more packages than on the livecd is installed to your hard drive. this installation method is recommended for beginners, who want to install a manjaro lxqt system.
  • please keep in mind that manjaro net/lxqt ISO usually does not need an update when manjaro releases a new version, because the latest version of packages get downloaded prior to installation. manjaro net/lxqt only requires an update when calamares receives some important (security) updates or dependencies of manjaro and/or lxqt change.
there is a CLI netinstaller called manjaro-architect for manjaro. i have different goals with manjaro net/lxqt, though:
  • using calamares as a GUI installer with a GUI package selection to ensure a fast installation process with the least amount of user interaction possible. thus, an installation with manjaro net/lxqt is less customizable than manjaro architect.
  • manjaro architect offers multiple DEs. manjaro net/lxqt currently only supports lxqt, but more DEs could be added. Unfortunately, calamares does not prioritize netinstall features, which would make it much easier to include multiple DEs.
  • the ISO size should stay rather small, but i do not keep it as minimal as possible (it is less than twice as large as manjaro-architect). instead, i want to present a rather nice looking lxqt system to the user in the livecd, which has some rescue tools already preinstalled:
qupzilla (simple internet browser for visiting this forum and downloading manjaro ISOs)
manjaro-tools-base (for chrooting into existing manjaro systems1)
imagewriter (for “burning” ISO images to an usb drive)
gparted (to partition hard drives)

version 17.0.5 includes an updated version of calamares and some filesystem and locale fixes and nothing more. i decided to release version 17.0.5, because this release will probably be the last with a 32bit ISO image as manjaro deprecates 32bit packages soon.

  • just before the installation is started in calamares, a box pops up and asks the user to confirm the installation. this box still shows the old “manjaro lxqt 17.0.2”, which is only a display glitch!
  • the root account for all manjaro live systems is:
    username: manjaro
    password: manjaro
  • the default audio server is “alsa”. this means that the volume widget in the panel will NOT work, if you install pulseaudio (which gets installed, when you mark all packages!). in order to make the volume widget/applet work, right click it and select “configure volume control” --> tick “PulseAudio” and enter pavucontrol-qt as external mixer.
  • when you mark all lxqt packages during installation, both openbox and kwin get installed as your window manager. by default, lxqt uses openbox as window manager. when you want to continue using it, there is no need for kwin and you can safely remove it:
    sudo pacman -Rns kwin systemsettings

Download Manjaro NET/LXQT
Manjaro LXQT und XFCE Stable, Testing, Unstable
CPU: AMD Quad Core A8 3,6GHz
Graka: AMD/ATI Radeon R7
Treiber: Free
Kernel: 4.20