2019-07-19 - Firefox, Vulkan, Deepin, Virtualbox, Haskell (Testing Update)


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Themen Author
Beiträge: 2350
Registriert: Donnerstag 19. Mai 2016, 15:49
CPU: AMD Quad Core A8 3,6GHz
GPU: AMD/ATI Radeon R7
Kernel: 6.1
Desktop-Variante: XFCE und KDE Stable, Testing, Unstable
GPU Treiber: Free
Hat sich bedankt: 28 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 153 Mal

2019-07-19 - Firefox, Vulkan, Deepin, Virtualbox, Haskell (Testing Update)


Beitrag von Blueriver »

Hello community,

I am happy to announce another Testing Update. Mostly we have Firefox and Deepin updates with this one.

Some might noticed that since the #snapcraftsummit a lot of package changes went into Manjaro and our available RCs. Also we didn't yet announce 18.1.0-rc5 officially yet. We are still polishing the snap experience for our users. XFCE and Gnome will come with Gnome-Software and our KDE edition has Discover, both with snap support enabled.

This way everybody can easily access the snap store by a click and don't has to hassle to get snaps enabled. This enables us to ship even more proprietary software, which we couldn't before. For example check out on how you may install Spotify on Manjaro.

This update holds the following changes:

Most of our Deepin packages got updated
Firefox is at 68.0.1
Virtualbox is at 6.0.10
Latest efforts by KDE can be reviewed via our current KDE-Dev ISO
Manjaro Juhraya ISOs got updated, including flatpak and snap support pre-activated: XFCE, KDE, Gnome
Give us the usual feedback and let us know what you think about this update.

Current supported Kernels

linux316 3.16.70
linux44 4.4.185 (no legacy nvidia-340 module!)
linux49 4.9.185
linux414 4.14.133
linux419 4.19.59
linux51 5.1.18
linux52 5.2.1 (no catalyst module!)
linux419-rt 4.19.50_rt22
linux50-rt 5.0.21_rt16

A detailed list of all package changes may be found here.


Forum Held
Forum Held
Beiträge: 620
Registriert: Montag 23. Mai 2016, 17:29
Wohnort: Strausberg | M
CPU: Intel Core i3-4030U 4x 1.8GHz 64 bit
GPU: Intel Haswell-ULT (Intel HD Graphics 4400)
Kernel: 5.15 / 6.0
Desktop-Variante: Manjaro KDE Plasma
GPU Treiber: Intel i915
Hat sich bedankt: 15 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 36 Mal

Re: 2019-07-19 - Firefox, Vulkan, Deepin, Virtualbox, Haskell (Testing Update)


Beitrag von linuxkumpel »

Ohne Probleme nach einem jeweiligen Neustart. :D

Themen Author
Beiträge: 2350
Registriert: Donnerstag 19. Mai 2016, 15:49
CPU: AMD Quad Core A8 3,6GHz
GPU: AMD/ATI Radeon R7
Kernel: 6.1
Desktop-Variante: XFCE und KDE Stable, Testing, Unstable
GPU Treiber: Free
Hat sich bedankt: 28 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 153 Mal

Re: 2019-07-19 - Firefox, Vulkan, Deepin, Virtualbox, Haskell (Testing Update)


Beitrag von Blueriver »


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